RESHAPE17 | programmable skins

Project Description


Isolating EarPhones

Living and moving in the city means being immersed in a world of stir that, often, is excessive, exaggerated and produce noise.
Living and moving in the city means being distracted.
We would like to concentrate on important things, ignoring unnecessary stimulus.
We would like to block the outside world and create a bubble, at least sound noise.
Music on. World off.
Music helps us to zone out, to focus.
Headphones produce music and them help us to create a sensorial bubble around us, disconnecting us from the world and allowing us to filter the external signals better.
Headphones help us isolating but also communicate we want to isolate ourselves.
At the opposite , the small and in-ear, earphones do not let others know if we’re on or off.
The earphones leave a selectable filter between the outside and us, allow others to interact, they let the external signals enter.

Isolating earphones, small and lightweight as an earphones, private like an headphone.
Covering your ears, the earphones clearly communicate “do not disturb” by avoiding mistakes and misunderstanding.
Isolating earphone is made by a couple of parts other than the earphone: 2 earpiece holders and two adapter hooks for the earphone.
Isolating earphone is modular: you can print a specific adapter for your own earphone to apply the isolating earphone to any brand, whether with cord or without.
The shape of the body is designed to cover the ear completely, without causing turbulence and rustle even by riding a bicycle. The rounded shape reduces aerodynamic noise and allows for a better perception of both music and external sounds.
The shape in the internal face has both the adapter housing and the ear fixing membrane, covering the ear, improving the fit and reducing the possibility of loosing it

The parts are all designed for 3D printing with both industry-standard technologies, such as SLA and SLS, or the cheapest FDM. All pieces can be printed without supports, if in FDM, reducing the waste of material and time even on a single print plate.
For optimizing the FDM printing, one face is straight, ensuring perfect adhesion to the plate. The printing orientation is meant to ensure maximum performance: the layers are oriented in the direction of maximum load, ensuring the clip to work properly even on a relatively brittle material like PLA.
The body has a cut that can be used for further customization. (not presented in this delivery.)
Printing the parts takes about 3 hours, for 28g of total weight.

Considering a cost of the material (PLA) of € 50.00 / Kg and a cost of about € 5.00 /h the total estimated cost is € 16.40

Riccardo gatti

Marco Bonanny

Meythal Cohen