RESHAPE19 | Cognified matter
Wearable Technology category


constanza+LAB is a 21st Century experimental fashion design laboratory. We work on smart garments, wearables and interactive design. Our fashiontech project is a hybrid ecosystem that merges crafts, digital fabrication, innovation and sustainability in a non- invasive, natural and organic way. Fashion is a reflection of our times and our society.
It’s a privileged vehicle for the generation of ideas that question our way of living. Experimenting, simplifying, analyzing and innovating with technology: these are the basis of our work. Our mision is to expand our minds by expanding our senses. By implementing new technologies in our designs, we improve the way we work and live adapting them to human circumstances and context. We believe that merging fashion and technology will make clothes and garments a new skin layer. They will become an organic, flexible and smart interface to comunicate and understand ourselves.

Quantum is a collection that we can customize depending on our mood. We make visible the invisible and it allows us to show our emotions on our clothes and accesories. We have created a new environment that connects the virtual and the real world through our garments. We are working on implementing IoT in a day-to-day wearable products to improve the way our clothing fit to every moment. We have developed digital patterns with colours, animations, emojis, text messages that user can change up-to-the minute with an app interconnecting our clothes to mobile devices. The garments are capable of matching through the led colours and patterns.
In our garments, now it is the customer who decides how to express the mood on a new level. We work on happiness. It provides the wearer with the most freedom of speech. What if the new consumer, aware as we are of sustainability, would prefer renting rather than buying the garments? In this way we would make it easier to live new experiences with clothing. We also want to honor and celebrate Bauhaus 100th anniversary, the most influential art and design school in history.
We have been inspired by Piet Mondrian´s artistic work too. Cofounder of the De Stijl movement, his strict reduction of visual language to orthogonal composition and primary colors, met with great approval in Bauhaus circles. Simple forms: circle, triangle and square and primary colours: blue, yellow and red that configurate QUANTUM´s conceptual base.


We start with a philosophical foray into art, which Mondrian describes as a figurative expression of human existence. Art is the most sublime mission of humanity, it is the expression of thought seeking to understand the world and to make it understood. How could technology help us to understand the world around us?
What if we could express our mood trough art? What if our garments could feel the energy and emotions we generate and translate our way of feeling, moving and communicating? Do you think that radically modern Bauhaus´s masters and pupils would like to experiment with fashiontech? Our goal is to enhance human interaction and facilitate emotion sharing.

We live in a fast paced world, where is getting harder to express our feelings. We are getting detached from face to face interactions. Social media has enhanced the way we communicate, adding new ways to show our inner self. With smart clothing we can interact in new and different ways on the real world, expanding our non-verbal language.
What if we could expand our minds by expanding our senses?
You have to be a little insane to express your mood through your garments…