Reshape'15 | Wearable Technology Competition

Project Description

Project Detail

The interactive necklace Goya – ‘from similar people’ in native Brazilian indigenous Tupi-Guarani language – proposes a reflection about the use of technology in fashion accessories as a way to stimulate social interaction. The wearable device utilizes the user’s body as both support and input, therefore enabling an expansion of the form of communication in our senses by using technology for the stimulation of physical, social and presencial interaction. The Goya necklace was developed as a way to expand the communication of the gestures and emotions that affect us, and also to stimulate new encounters between people. Through the use of sensors and actuators, the wearable device is capable of feeling the moment of a hug, and generate a response back in the form of a glowing light representing affection. After this first contact, the necklace keeps lit according to the duration of the hug, transforming the device in a support for the affective memory of the act of caring. The prototype was developed in the Laboratório de Interfaces Físicas Experimentais (LIFE) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), in a partnership with the Coopa Roca woman’s embroidering cooperative from Rio de Janeiro’s Rocinha community. We believe this manual craft productive process adds singularity to each piece produced. The circuits used are an Arduino Lilypad board, sewable LEDs and diverse sensors. Sponge Suit is designed in two main parts. The net-like white shell surface is made of 3D print elasto plastic. This special material has the necessary flexibility to fit the body and the sufficient strength to encapsulate the filler material. The filler material is a super-hydrophobic carbon based material called the Sponge. This material has multi-model porosity (micro/mezzo/macro porous) that allows it to be a light yet strong absorber with its undulating texture (visible through Electron Microscope). Absorbing everything but water, the material is a powerful tool for water and contaminant separation. The super-porous nature allows the Sponge to absorb in high capacity, up to 25 times of its own weight depending on the density of the substance absorbed. The Sponge does not release the absorbed materials unless it is heated in high temperatures (1,000 degrees Celsius) to re-obtain its original liquid form https://homemfarmacia.pt/compra…tugal/. This property allows the Sponge to be recyclable as the liquid form is ready to be reshaped having been separated from its contaminants. In the near future it is not hard to imagine facilities, much like dry cleaning locations, that collect these Sponge Suit to recycle the Sponge to separate any contaminants.  The form of the Sponge Suit is inspired by the super-porous, mesh-like structure of the Sponge material. The final form of the 3D print shell was obtained through the various iterations of the same undulating form. The filler amount and the allocation were identified by creating several design alternatives, considering the form and the ergonomics of the human body, while pushing the limits in translucent swimwear design. The optimized current design weights only about 54 grams in a surface area of approximately 250 centimeter square and thickness of 2 millimeters. This shape and volume of the Sponge makes the wearable portion reusable for a long term. SpongeSuit design also promises mass-scale production with its affordable structure. The Sponge itself is highly cost-efficient with the main precursor being sugar. Per gram cost of Sponge is roughly 15 cents, a reducible cost when achieving economies of scale. SpongeSuit is a preliminary effort to create an actively eco-conscious wearable technology. This design can be developed in to different outfits: bathing suits, mayokini, swimming caps. Reprogrammability, recyclability and affordability are intriguing properties of the technology, allowing room for further research and development in clean-tech wearable.  We aim for a future where everyone, with any shape and form of swimming outfit, can contribute to the cleanliness of the seas by a sports activity or simply a leisurely summer vacation.


Natalia Chaves Bruno