RESHAPE18 | sensing materialities
wearable technology category
A zero waste fashion

Designers: ZER Collection
wearable technology category

Reshape18_A zero waste fashion

The fashion of the future. We use the 3D printer and other digital manufacturing techniques to develop
garments without generating waste. The main market problems that we try to solve with our project are the next ones.
On one the hand, one of our concerns is the damage to the environment. Tons and tons of waste are generated daily, a problem that we should be aware of. Therefore we want to make our contribution to change it by creating a more ethical fashion. For example, during the cutting process of the garments that we wear, around 20-30% of the fabric is wasted.

On the other hand, the technologies are becoming an important part of our daily life. 3D printers are being introduced in different areas getting very competent projects. For example in medicine, robotics, architecture… and of course, fashion needs to have a place in this technological revolution.
For these given reasons, we believe that this new type of fashion needs to fill the following requirements: The innovation, the sustainability with the local and circular production and a fashionable aesthetic.
When we talk about innovation we talk about the added value of our project. We introduce new technologies in fashion by creating new fabrics that the market
needs. On the one hand, we create fabrics with the 3D printer. One of our creations is entirely innovative within the 3D printing world. A fabric created 100 % by the machine conserving the conventional fabric’s properties. It is elastic, flexible and adapts very well to the body.

Reshape18_A zero waste fashion

With the same technology, we print on top of the fabrics to create outer garments. On the other hand, we have developed a new technique with the industrial
embroidery machine. With the embroiderer, we create the fabric with the shape of the pattern without using another fabric as support. Creating a zero waste
This point is very important for us. The most remarkable of these techniques is that we can digitize the patterns to produce only the necessary fabric.
Moreover, most of the materials we use are biodegradable and the filaments of the 3D printer are reusable. Also, all our products and our suppliers are locals. Besides, we rely on a circular production to create our garments.

That is, in the case of garments entirely made with the 3D printer gave the possibility of melting the garment and recreate the raw material and filament to
restart the process. Last but not least, we believe that technology is not an impediment to keep aesthetics and fashion trends and it is an aspect that we really are concerned about. For the prototyping of the dress made by the 3D printer we used a biodegradable filament coil and the printer has worked 48 hours. Because of it, it has a cost of around 500 euros. On the other hand, the dress made with the industrial embroidery machine, due to its type of manufacture, it has a cost of 700 euros.